Drawdown Georgia By the Numbers: Local Climate Data at Your Fingertips

Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is an ambitious yet achievable goal. But how do we track our progress? How can we visualize reductions in emissions that are happening in our communities?

Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers county emissions updates are a convenient new tool that gives those working at the local level unprecedented access to local climate data that you can use to manage and measure emissions.

DDGA by the Numbers

Emailed straight to your inbox on a quarterly basis, these updates are an invaluable resource to anyone working on climate in our state. Let’s take a closer look at this new way of tracking emissions in Georgia.

Tracking Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Georgia

Drawdown Georgia has been at the forefront of aggregating local climate data since the launch of the GHG Emissions Tracker, which was developed by Dr. William Drummond of Georgia Tech, along with colleagues at both Georgia Tech and University of Georgia. The one-of-its-kind GHG Emissions Tracker is a highly interactive dashboard that gives users deep insights into sources of emissions in Georgia, down to the individual county level.

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Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers takes this pioneering data tool one step further, making it easier and more convenient for local governments, researchers, and climate advocates to obtain detailed county-level data on greenhouse gas emissions by sending updates directly to subscribers’ inboxes on a quarterly basis.

In addition to a direct link to a selected Georgia county, subscribers will also receive a link to access quarterly emissions updates from every county in the state, making it easy to track and compare emissions from neighboring areas and other counties of interest.

How to Use County-Level Emissions Data

As the old adage reminds us: If you can’t measure it, you can’t change it. So, what can Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers help you measure?

The new county-level emissions updates deliver detailed and actionable emissions data, giving local leaders, advocates, and solutions providers the information they need to: 

  • Compare emissions data for the previous quarter and the previous 12 months, broken down by source, such as residential, transportation, and commercial.

  • Compare the subscriber’s local, county emissions data to its five nearest neighboring counties.

  • Track emissions for the given quarter for every year dating back to 2005, allowing subscribers to eliminate seasonal variations in emissions as they evaluate year-over-year changes.

Tracking Emissions  Progress in Georgia as it Happens

Across the state, climate leaders are working to define a path toward net zero carbon emissions in Georgia. Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers county emissions updates provide an invaluable asset to the Georgia climate community, allowing leaders to track progress on climate solutions as it happens and identify the best opportunities for local action on emissions. 

Woman charging EV looking at cell phone

By making emissions as local, timely, and accessible as possible, Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers helps officials, advocates, and researchers connect what's happening with our climate to what we can see happening on the ground. 

We can’t change what we can’t measure. How can your community utilize local climate data to help move us further faster on net-zero emissions in Georgia?

Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers Emissions Updates

These county-level emissions updates are the first of a series of subscriptions to come that will aggregate climate data at different levels of detail in the future, including data by city and by sector, like electricity. 

Drawdown Georgia by the Numbers - Subscribe Now

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Drawdown Georgia
Drawdown Georgia

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