Are you wondering how the Inflation Reduction Act supports investments in household energy efficiency? Learn more in this article.
Are you wondering how the Inflation Reduction Act supports investments in household energy efficiency? Learn more in this article.
In August of this year, President Biden signed into law sweeping new climate change legislation called the Inflation Reduction Act. It funds many new investments in technologies that will help our..
As we work collectively to draw down greenhouse gas emissions in Georgia, we can now track and visualize that progress.
Drawdown Georgia is focused on how our state can grow climate solutions to draw down greenhouse gas emissions in Georgia. But right now, all eyes are on Washington, D.C., and the Build Back Better..
We are often asked how much our state’s carbon emissions would fall if Georgia scales all 20 Drawdown Georgia climate solutions in this decade. And the truth is, it depends. Let’s unpack it!
How can Georgia reduce its greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade? The Drawdown Georgia Research Team has laid out a vision. And, now, we have a way for you to explore the data with the Carbon..