Commercial and residential buildings are responsible for about 30% of Georgia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these emissions come from the electricity and natural gas used for heating,..
Commercial and residential buildings are responsible for about 30% of Georgia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these emissions come from the electricity and natural gas used for heating,..
“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects..
Climate change has impacts beyond weather and global warming: it worsens social inequities, threatens economies, and negatively impacts public health. The 20 Drawdown Georgia climate solutions would..
Did you make a New Year’s resolution to get more involved with issues that impact your community? Is one of your goals for 2021 to forge connections with new friends and neighbors, to talk about..
I saw this incredibly touching video after it went viral a year or so ago. In it, a young colorblind boy named Jonathan puts on special glasses that allow him for the first time to see the colors he..
We have all learned new work routines during the pandemic. How have these new behaviors impacted greenhouse gas emissions, and how can we learn from our new routines to help curb global warming?..
For so long, we in the environmental movement have done a disservice to ourselves, speaking about the urgency of our mission from a place of fear and loss. We were well-meaning, but ultimately caused..
As a veteran of the U.S. Army and a graduate of both the Culinary Institute of America and the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz, Chef Matthew Raiford has followed..
My wife takes her gift-giving very seriously. We are a Christian family, so the most important gifting holiday is Christmas for us. My wife starts accumulating stocking stuffers for our kids in the..
What is community solar, and why is it one of Drawdown Georgia’s 20 solutions? We asked CEO of Groundswell, Georgia-born/DC-based Michelle Moore, to break it down for us.
Community solar enables..
Drawdown Georgia is the first significant attempt to try to translate the 100 solutions of Project Drawdown into a state-level action plan - why that framework, and how can we in Georgia accomplish..