How can Georgia reduce its greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade? The Drawdown Georgia Research Team has laid out a vision. And, now, we have a way for you to explore the data with the Carbon..
How can Georgia reduce its greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade? The Drawdown Georgia Research Team has laid out a vision. And, now, we have a way for you to explore the data with the Carbon..
Worry not friends! We made it, in this blogternate reality, to the end of the decade. I’ll give you a moment to catch your breath, because I know that time travel can be disorienting. While you do..
What can my community do to help solve for climate change? This week’s blog post can help you answer that question. Drawdown Georgia’s 20 climate solutions provided inspiration for Sustainable..
“Dr. King told us that we had to look at the soul of America. And in my estimation, the soul of America is the environment, because if you destroy the soul, then nothing else exists. If you destroy..
The Nature Conservancy works to protect the world’s lands and waters. Operating in over 70 countries, we’ve helped conserve more than 100 million acres, over 400,000 of them in Georgia. These..
Did you know that Georgia is the number one forestry state in the nation? Almost 60% of our land is covered by temperate forests, and about 150,000 acres are planted with pine seedlings each year...
Vehicles account for 43% of Georgia’s CO2 emissions. Transporting people and products makes sense, but much of what we transport is trash. Sanitation work remains an important essential business, but..
College students generally spend months each fall scouting, applying, and interviewing for summer opportunities that align with their interests at companies that will give them real-world experience...
In 2017, 43% of greenhouse gas emissions in Georgia came from transportation and vehicles - more than any other sector. In particular, our highways present many challenges and risks - to human..
When you imagine life in the future, where do you imagine your electricity coming from? If you live in Georgia, the answer will be (and already is, to some extent): from the sun. Solar power and..
White Oak Pastures is a leader in environmentally-responsible agriculture in Georgia. 20 years ago, farmer Will Harris began to shift from conventional beef production to a regenerative grazing..
Recent history tells us that achieving sustainability requires audacious goals, stair-step improvement, and collaboration with others to drive lasting change. This applies to the Drawdown Georgia..